Celebrating Holy Week

For Christians, Holy Week, can be considered the most sacred time of the year.  We are remembering the great sacrifice of our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Yesterday, many churches across the world recalled the events of Palm Sunday, the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

As a woman of faith and a mother, I cherish these teachable moments with my children. Every year we do something different, new and age appropriate to retell the accounts of this Holy season.

Holy Week

Day 1: Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday

Day 2: On Monday, Jesus Clears the Temple

Day 3: On Tuesday, Jesus Goes to the Mount of Olives

Day 4: Holy Wednesday

Day 5: Passover and Last Supper on Maundy Thursday

Day 6: Trial, Crucifixion, Death, and Burial on Friday

Day 7: Saturday in the Tomb

Day 8: Resurrection Sunday

This year, outside of our normal crafts, I created some worksheets and puzzles to engage them in a new way. My little ones are becoming avid readers and I want to encourage this in every way.


I wanted to offer some of these worksheets to you so that you may use them as a talking point during this Holy week. 


May God divinely intercept our conversations and fill the room with His Holy Spirt as we honor the sacrifice and obedience of our Lord and Savior.  As we open our hearts and pour out our love over our children, may God meet us and pour out His love over our entire family. 


Many Blessings, 



If you would like to purchase the workbooks. They can be found on Amazon.

Easter Workbook

Preschool Edition

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